By News Editors
Sea level is stable around the world
We have been studying climate change and potentially associated sea level changes resulting from melting ice and warming oceans for a half century. In the 1970s our primary concern was global cooling and an advancing new ice age. Many believe that increasing quantities of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere could result in rising levels of […]
By News Editors
Are you really against fossil fuels? Read this before you answer
It is easy for anyone to say that they are against fossil fuels. Opposition to coal, oil and natural gas is fashionable and will prompt heads to nod and even hands to applaud in most places. (Article by Vijay Jayaraj republished from RealClearEnergy.com) But are people aware of the extent to which their lives are […]
By News Editors
The dangerous fantasy of Scotland’s net zero energy transition
Suppose that Scotland’s CO2 emissions fell tomorrow to zero, i.e., that, at midnight, the country ceased to exist. Then according to the “Model for the Assessment of Greenhouse Gas Induced Climate Change” (MAGICC), based on the latest IPCC climate models, the reduction in the Earth’s temperature in 2100 would be…undetectable. (Article by Richard Lyon republished from DailySceptic.org) Motivated […]
By JD Heyes
Here’s a summary of a half-century’s worth of failed ‘eco-pocalyptic’ predictions of Earth’s doom
Thinking, rational people long ago figured out that the Marxist globalist left uses disaster scenarios to force acceptance of policies that a) empower them; while b) enslaving entire populations, and one of the most common over the past half-century has been the lie that human activities are causing the earth to deteriorate before it dies altogether. […]
By Belle Carter
U.S. urged to rethink green energy policies in light of disastrous outcome in Europe
Energy experts called for the U.S. to rethink its plans of adopting green energy, taking cues from Europe’s energy collapse. Investigative reporter Sharyl Atkisson caught up with experts in the United Kingdom and Germany to discuss how the energy collapse took over the climate emergency, and how the U.S. can avert such a crisis. “Europe’s […]
By Ethan Huff
Climate change-obsessed media giants ACTIVELY LIE about hurricanes in total contradiction to actual science
The devastating aftermath of Hurricane Ian in Florida is once again being exploited by the corporate-controlled media to falsely claim that man-made “climate change” is somehow responsible. The claim is that hurricanes are becoming increasingly more common and deadly because the planet is “warming,” which we are told is due to things like fossil fuel […]
By Ethan Huff
As they lose arguments, climate scientists call for ban on dissenting views
A cohort of climate fanatics claiming to be “scientists” is demanding that a prominent science journal pull a recent study about the alleged “climate crisis” because the paper does not align with the prevailing global warming dogma. The European Physical Journal Plus, published by Springer Nature, published the review, which looked at data on possible […]
By Ethan Huff
Carbon dioxide levels have nothing to do with global temperatures, top scientist says
Meteorologist William Kininmonth with the Global Warming Policy Foundation (GWPF) authored a new paper on so-called “greenhouse gases,” revealing that carbon dioxide (CO2) does not impact global temperatures as many falsely claim. At worst, CO2 has a “minimal effect” on temperature and climate, which is constantly in a state of flux due to factors far […]
By Ethan Huff
World Wildlife Fund scientist offers the worst hurricane advice ever, calling for “vaccine logic” to tame flood waters while ignoring mass vaccine DEATHS
The solution to climate change is to adopt “vaccine thinking” for flood management, says Jeff Opperman, the global lead freshwater scientist at the World Wildlife Fund (WWF). In an op-ed he wrote for The Hill, Opperman argues that “deploying beneficial forms of flooding” to stop floods where we do not want them to occur is […]
By Kevin Hughes
Leaked documents reveal plan of poor countries to impose global CARBON TAX on developed nations
Some of the most vulnerable nations plan to impose a global carbon tax on their more developed counterparts, according to leaked documents. The Guardian managed to obtain a copy of a draft document by a group of poor nations, which was slated for discussion at the United Nations General Assembly. According to the paper, these […]
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