News & Articles By News Editors
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The nationwide 500,000 EV charger charade
The word charade has several meanings, and including an act or event that is clearly false (Cambridge Dictionary), something done just for show (Vocabulary.com), or a situation in which people pretend that something is true when it clearly is not (Oxford Leaner’s Dictionary). (Article by Geoffrey Pohanka republished from AMGreatness.com) The charade I refers to […]
By News Editors
Scientific American’s Laura Helmuth continues campaign to embarrass and humiliate herself
As we head into the weekend, a quick note that Scientific American’s Laura Helmuth remains one of the most ridiculous dunderheads in science writing, a journalism adjacent field of writing that many reporters refer to with derision as “scicomm.” Earlier this week, a reader sent me this post on Blue Sky, with Helmuth promoting an article falsely […]
By News Editors
FDA is a front organization: There are no technicians in the buildings, no equipment and no sample testing occurs
One of the questions the reader is trying to answer has to do with whether biological regulation authority was ever statutorily established by [the US] Congress, for NIH and its precursor organisations, going back to the late 1800s. (Article by Rhoda Wilson republished from Expose-News.com) Modern-day NIH and FDA officials present historical accounts of how […]
By News Editors
BMJ slaps down Scientific American’s Laura Helmuth for unscientific trans activism
In a shot across the bow against Scientific American’s continued descent into unscientific twaddle, a BMJ investigation documented over a dozen social media posts by editor-in-chief Laura Helmuth promoting transgender care for children, despite scientific evidence showing such treatment has had “devastating consequences” for minors. (Article by Paul D. Thacker republished from DisinformationChronicle.Substack.com) “Laws preventing trans kids […]
By News Editors
Tired of being called “anti” simply for having an opinion counter to someone else
Bully is defined as “a noisy, blustering overbearing fellow, more distinguished for insolence and empty menaces, than for courage, and disposed to provoke quarrels.” (Article by Coach Dave Daubenmire republished from NewsWithViews.com) Have you ever noticed that the Left is ANTI everything wholesome and that they are hell-bent on making you accept it? Anti, according to Webster, […]
By News Editors
NYT op-ed: ‘I thought the Bragg case against Trump was a legal embarrassment. Now I think it’s a historic mistake’
If you glanced at the New York Times today, you might be shocked at the “real news” they featured. In a rare burst of honesty and clarity, the Old Gray Hag actually let a well-respected legal professor from Boston University publish an opinion piece. This piece didn’t just poke holes in Alvin Bragg’s sham “hush […]
By News Editors
Here’s why Israel will lose a shootout with Iran
Iran’s unprecedented attack on Israeli military sites on April 13-14 signals a tectonic shift in the regional balance of power. While the media remains preoccupied with the number of outdated Iranian drones that were shot down during the onslaught, military analysts are far more focused on the way that Iran’s ballistic missiles cut through Israel’s […]
By News Editors
Virologists have ‘resorted to anti-scientific practices to make their claims’
The realisation that the ‘whole Covid situation’ was fraudulent in early 2020 led to a ‘deep dive’ and the realisation that the fraud surrounding virology had actually been occurring for more than a century for doctors Sam and Mark Bailey. The couple had both previously been trained in the conventional medical system, had conventional beliefs […]
By News Editors
Jack Posobiec: ‘An eye for an eye’ is the only way to defeat woke unhumans
There’s an old saying, which starts with Gilbert and Sullivan: Let the punishment fit the crime. We all know that the unhumans who make up the leadership of the modern day cultural Marxist Left are guilty of massive crimes, not just against America or against our fellow citizens, but against humanity itself, which they hate […]
By News Editors
Why is the National Guard being deployed during the Great American Eclipse on April 8th?
The National Guard is only supposed to be deployed in emergency situations. But these days the National Guard is being used for all sorts of things. For example, hundreds of National Guard soldiers are being used to check the bags of those riding the subway system in New York City. That sets a very alarming precedent, and […]
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